Saturday, April 20, 2019

Does eating eggs increase the risk of you getting a heart attack?

This year, I read a post on social media that said eggs are not healthy for you.  One of the concerns mentioned is that eggs may increase the risk of someone getting a heart attack due to the cholesterol in them.

An article published in the Harvard Health Letter says that is not the case.  Anthony Komaroff, the author of the article, states that "For most people, an egg a day does not increase your risk of a heart attack, a stroke, or any other type of cardiovascular disease."  This evidence was found from multiple studies that have encompassed hundreds of thousands of people.  The author goes on to mention that the saturated fat in butter, which is often used in egg recipes, raises blood cholesterol more than the cholesterol in the egg.

However, the article warns that for people who have heart disease or are at high risk for developing heart disease, no more than three eggs per week is recommended.

In conclusion, if your health is in check, then eating eggs will not harm you.  Just be mindful of the other ingredients you use in your egg recipes.

Link to Article:

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Eggs: Should you eat the Yolk?

Egg Yolks, the colored part of the egg, have gotten a bad reputation for being high in cholesterol.  As a result, many people prefer to eat eggs without the yolk.  Studies in the past few years have shown us a different picture.

A 2012 University of Connecticut study had volunteers consume 3 whole eggs a day or 3 egg whites a day for three months.  Both groups experienced drops in bad cholesterol (LDL).  But, those who ate the whole eggs saw a bigger increase in their good cholesterol (HDL).  

Maria Fernandez, author of the study, says "Egg yolks seem to increase the amount of cholesterol delivered to the liver for removal from the body."  So even though egg yolks have cholesterol in them, they help remove more of the bad cholesterol from your body.  

In conclusion, Egg Yolks are not as bad as people thought.  I recommend eating them because not only do they lower your cholesterol, but you already paid for the egg so you might as well eat the whole thing.  Whether runny, firm, or hard boiled, experiment with egg yolks to find which consistency tastes the best for you.

Source: Special Men's Health EAT Edition 2015

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Three Ways to Increase Your Metabolism

Now that the Holidays are winding down, most of us are putting our clothes on in the morning and wondering "Is it just me, or did this get tighter?"  Here are three ways that you can increase your Metabolism, which will increase the amount of calories you burn each day.

1. Strength Training:  Strength training doesn't have to mean lifting weights, it can also mean body weight exercises as well.  Exercising helps you burn calories and build muscle.  Each pound of muscle you gain burns an addition 14 calories a day.

2. Eat More Protein: Protein uses 20%-30% of it's calories in order to be digested, compared with 5%-15% for Carbohydrates.  The best type of protein are found in dairy products, eggs, meat, and fish.

3. Drink Green Tea: Green Tea contains a compound called ECGC, which has been proven to increase fat burning.  Drink 2-3 cups a day to reap the maximum benefits.  Note: Decaf tea doesn't work.

Source: Women's Health Magazine

Sunday, November 8, 2015

The Magical Brazil Nut

We have all tried peanuts, cashews, and almonds before.  But there is a new type of Nut that has been getting attention lately: Brazil Nuts.

Brazil Nuts have a rich creamy flavor.  But more importantly are the health benefits.  Brazil Nuts are the richest known food source of selenium.  Eating just two of the nuts provides you with more than a day's worth of the mineral.

Selenium plays a role in keeping your metabolism and immune system running smoothly.  In addition, it helps your body absorb Vitamin E, which can help prevent cataracts.  In addition to Selenium, Brazil Nuts are a great source of copper, zinc, potassium, and magnesium.

Although Brazil Nuts are more expensive than regular nuts, the health benefits it provides are worth the cost.  A 2 pound bag can be purchased on Amazon for $18, the link is below the picture.

Source: Eat This Not That Fall 2015 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

5 Ways to Shop Smarter in a Supermarket

Have you ever gone to the Supermarket to pick up a carton of milk and end up leaving with two grocery bags full of goods?  I know I have.  While buying unintentional things may be satisfying, the extra items take up space in your home, not to mention cost extra money you did not plan on spending that day.  Here are 5 Ways to Shop Smarter, and spend less money, in a Supermarket:

1. Pay in Cash instead of using a Card

A study published in the Journal of Consumer Research tracked the grocery-shopping habits of 1000 houses over a six month period.  The study found that shoppers who paid with a credit card spent 59%-78% more on their grocery bills than shoppers who paid with cash.

2. Snack before you Shop

This is a rule I should follow more often.  When you are hungry, everything looks good.  There have been times where I have been mindlessly grabbing food and putting it into my cart.  Eating something, even if it's just a piece of fruit or granola bar, will temporarily take the hunger away from you so you can focus on what you went to the Supermarket for.

3. Shop on Weekday Nights

Most people, including myself, shop on the Weekends.  If it's possible, consider going on a Weeknight instead.  There will be less people around, which means you will be able to get in and out of the aisles faster.  According to Progressive Grocer, only 11% of Americans shop on Wednesdays.  But the other days of the workweek are also effective.

4. Have a Grocery List

This may seem obvious, but having a grocery list can help keep you focused on why you are at the Supermarket and what you Need to buy.  Nowadays with our smartphones, you can just write your grocery list on a Note or Memo, so there is no "I forgot my Grocery list at home" excuse anymore.

5. Beware of Samples

We have all been there.  You are just strolling through the store when you come across a table with an employee behind it, advertising a new product and offering a free sample of it.  "It's free.  What do I have to lose?" you think.  You try the free sample, and unsurprisingly, it's delicious.  The employee mentions how the store is running a sweet deal this week only on the product, and entices you to buy it.  Only when you get home do you realize that you now have 3 Family Size bag of Chips, with the expiration date a month away.

Moral of the Story: In store samples are marketing tactics designed to get you to purchase their product.  The smell of fresh food and drink, along with a special promotional price, is effective at  encouraging you to buy the product.  Proceed with caution.

Source: Eat This Not That Magazine Spring 2015