Sunday, November 3, 2013

Protein Ice Cream: The Newest Supplement

Earlier today, I was reading a magazine and stumbled upon this very interesting article.  The article talked about this new protein ice cream that had come out.  For each 2 scoop serving, the ice cream had 217 calories, 14g of fat, and 21g of protein.

This low-sugar, whey-infused ice cream was created by Jacob Kennedy, a "gym-going chef" who was fed up with the lack of good tasting post-workout options.  According to taste testers, this ice cream tastes better than the normal ice cream, because it is churned slowly. 

For all the ice cream lovers out there, this must feel like a dream come true.  Ice cream that contains 40% of my daily value of protein per serving?  Plus, it's low fat and low sugar, and tastes great!  That means I can eat ice cream all day and still be healthy, right?

Not so fast.  Even though this ice cream is healthy for you, it is still meant to be a post workout supplement.  This means you eat it AFTER working out. 

Unfortunately, this ice cream can only be found in London.  So all we can do is look at the pictures on their website, and drool, hoping that one day, we will get the chance to try this palatable treat.

Source: Men's Health Magazine UK

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